Tuesday, January 8, 2008

"For Better or For Worse"

From IMDB.com:
"A new biography of Tom Cruise claims he was encouraged to end his marriage to Nicole Kidman by Scientology bosses. Andrew Morton's controversial new book alleges that in 1999 Cruise took a Scientology course that would identify 'those in his life who create problems and difficulties.' Kidman was identified as such."

A wife creates problems and difficulties for her husband?
It's called Marriage!!!
And vice-versa.

A recent study shows men speak an average of 15,000 words a day.
Women speak an average of 30,000 words a day.
Woman: "Because we have to repeat everything for our dumb-ass men."
Man: "What?"
Woman: "See."
Man: "No, it's because men have this pesky habit-- once we finish making our point, we stop speaking. Women don't let such minutae bother them."

1 comment:

El Gigante said...

Those broads, they ever stop with the yap-yap-yap.