Monday, December 31, 2007

Reality Check

Acronym time:

A "T.M.B.S. Moment"

It occurs whenever anyone watches any movie.
A "This Movie's Bull Shit" Moment.

Wait and watch for it. Someone will sit up, 45 minutes into watching "Transformers" ("There's no way that 2 hot chicks would know so much about cars and computer codes"), "Toy Story 2" ("No toy would be packaged with that many accessories") or "300" ("You're saying not ONE of those Spartans is gay? But look how fit they are!") and exclaim, "This Movie's Bull Shit!"

The cinematic illusion is broken, and only a grounded, realistic indie film can rebuild it (i.e., "Weekend at Bernie's"... "Wait a minutes... that guy looks more like a Garry than a Bernie. This Movie's Bull Shit!")

What about your TMBS moments?

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Snoozing's My Religion

You can never brag about a nap! What's wrong with this country?

That's why I love Mexicans-- the siesta!
Now that's my kind of culture.

Also, big hats.

And whenever someone calls you and wakes you up, they can hear it in your voice.

"Oh, did I wake you?"

And we all lie.

"No no. I was up."

When we REALLY want to say,

"OF COURSE you woke me up! You called me at the ungodly hour of 2 in the afternoon!"

It's Just a Hole!

True exchange.

Bill: "Grandma wants to see the Grand Canyon before she dies."

Jeff: "Now? It's January! It's a terrible time to visit the Grand Canyon."

Bill: "Yeah, you're right. It'll be better to visit the Grand Canyon after she's dead."

After Math

Geometry was the only math class at which I excelled. All those angles and whatnot.

Probably because the word "perpendicular" sounds a lot like "poop and dick...ular"

Friday, December 28, 2007

I've been Bear-alyzed

I was watching the National Geographic channel today.

(I know what you're thinking... they have THAT as a channel? Does it show those topless tribeswomen with rings in their noses?)

The program I watched discussed bears, specifically black bears of Alaska (or Ursus americanus americanus).

Apparently these bears can
swim over 5 miles in the icy waters of Alaska,
hear twice as far as humans
smell 100 times farther
climb faster than they can run,
and they can run over 25 MPH.

So why the hell do we have teddy bears? What's so cute and cuddly about that??
A bear would maul the hell out of Clifford the big, red dog.
Eviscerate-Me Elmo.

Black bears are the Jason Bourne of the animal kingdom. Now we must manufacture Matt Damon dolls for our children to cuddle.
What's so weird about that?

Thursday, December 27, 2007

"I have no gift to bring..."

I typed in "christmas" in's website search bar, here's what came up, in this order:

First of all, the priorities are out of whack!
This is what the three wise men should've brought Jesus (instead dumb ol' gold, myrrh and Frankenberry) :
Family activities,
a Computer and

("Let he who is without crotchless panties cast the first stone")

Spare the Rod...

I just saw a commercial for a brand-spankin' new thermometor for children!

I remember a few years ago there was an "in-the-ear" thermometer (a far cry from my youth, which involved "in-the-rear" temperature taking... 98.6 degrees and 100% fabulous!).
This caused no pain, but was still awkward, since some people have ear issues (I blame the predominace of "wet willies" in our playgrounds).

Next there was an "under-the-armpit" thermometer. This was awesome! You just stick a metal and plastic thing under the pit for 5 seconds and BAM! Temperature!
Well, apparently this was no good, either. I guess prepubescent kids didn't feel comfortable taking off their shirts for the school nurse (or, if she was busy, the school janitor who was in his work-release program).

So now there is a NEW thermometer! An Infra-red Thermometer!
With this one, you point it at the child's forehead for 3 seconds, it emits a glowing red dot, and BAM!
Your kid has a bindi! ... Or looks like he is about to be assassinated.
Temperature taken.

Supposedly it works. So now you can take your child's temperature without having to touch him or her. Oh, happy day! Pass the Purell hand sanitizer. We are desensitizing our kids to the real world, weakening their immune system, while at the same time exposing them to a plethora of violence, sex and "High School Musicals."
I'm not saying we should shove horse turds into the bottom of their footie-pajamas, but we can't raise them to live in little plastic bubbles either (of course, if used a little plastic bubble then the kids wouldn't be here to begin with).

It's like allowing chuldren to watch reality television.

And for the Consumer Reports, I did a price comparison at ""--
The Infra-red thermometer runs $83, plus shipping.
Meanwhile, you can get a combination underarm, rectal and oral for just $29.
Now, I'm not a Vegas hooker, but that sounds like somebody is getting screwed... and it's in the face.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Mystery Smut

Idea for a porno:

"Sherlock John Holmes "

...and the Case of the Missing Pickle

"Rear entry, my dear Watson."

Friday, December 21, 2007

Whom Would Jesus Do?

So all anyopne can talk about in this season of Jesus and presents is actually a gift the Lord has given to everyone:
The Spears Girls!

... and how easy it seems to be to impregnate them!

To be fair, they are excellent Jesus figures:
Jamie Lynn is "the Son,"
Britney is "The Father"
and "The Holy Spirit" is the nebulous, fleeting memory of both of their hymens.
"Come all ye faithful"...
("ye faithful" refers to the fellas who bed the Spears "ho ho ho"s)

...Actually, a manger was probably the 2000-year-old, Bethlehem equivalent of a trailer park today. So really, Jamie Lynn could be the next "Virgin Mary-Lou."

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Two Drink Minimum

I was recently labeled a "two beer queer."

This refers to my low level of alcohol tolerance (the number drinks I require to acheive inebriation).
First of all, ONE of those beers was a CapriSun laced with RedBull.

Secondly, I take umbrage with this moniker (and I take umbrellas with monocles!).
The gay community deserves more credit than that, and most homosexuals require more alcohol to get sloshed (they LOVE alcohol SO much they have their own bars... and their own parades, the ideal venue for being drunk).

Also, if one is using queer as Noah Webster intended (adj., "differing in some odd way from what is usual or normal"), it's still lousy. This assumes that MOST people require MORE than two beers to get intoxicated.
Well, I only drink with toddlers!
And those chubby
Baby Einsteins couldn't even finish a Mike's Hard Cranberry-Lemonade from their Cookie Monster sip-cups...
and they were still crapping themselves!

Talk about lightweights!
Totally disoriented. They couldn't even tell me how to get... how to get to Sesame Street!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"Just Say No"

Which of these is NOT a slang term for drugs:
a) Blow
b) Crack
c) African Bush
d) Rimjob
e) Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger

"Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree..."

"It's the toilet for the dog to pee"
(What do YOU think the next verse is?)

What is the history of the Christmas tree tradition? (or "Jesus' yuletide shire of love")
Let us go to the most trusted news source I can reach from my chair that isn't

Certain trees held great symbolic significance for Germanic tribes. It seems Pagan kings in Germany would sacrifice trees at the sacred groves every ninth year (Duh!).
The mighty Saint Boniface (That saint is so funny!) attempted to Christianize the tribes by inocrporating cone-shaped evergreen trees which, because of their triangular shape, could symbolize the Trinity of The Father, The Son and Curly. I suppose he could've incorportated spanakopita or sea captain hats made out of newspaper, since they are triangluar too.

No word as to whether these Germanic tribes created any Hanukkah bushes... I'm guessing nein.
Actually, many Christmas customs come from Germanic paganism: Stocking-stuffing, Christmas hams, Yule Logs, elements of Santa Claus and Yule Goats (which apparently can be found on the same aisle as Yule Logs at your local grocer).

To learn more about Christmas, accept Jesus into your heart and become a German pagan!


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"...They've lasted for so many years"

According to my men in the field (, due to severe ice storms in the South, there may be 20,000 homes in rural Kansas and Oklahoma that will not have their electricity working by Christmas.

What does this mean?

That thousands might have to celebrate Christmas without Christmas lights (which is like celebrating the birth of Jesus with no coniferous German fir tree).
Now, I'm not saying that this is a sign that God hates Christmas and loves Hanukkah, but...

According to one Oklahoma boy, the 7-year-old Josue Velasquez, it IS!

"We've gone eight days without lights," the boy said. "We just sit on the couch and wait for the lights to come on."
Y'know, I recall another group of people who needed light for eight days. Remember what they did? Hm?? Oh yeah, they beat the crap out of Anthony Quinn! Maccabees:1, Zorba:0.
My Big Fat Greek Ass-Whoopin'!

Come on, People of the South, join the winning team! Over two thousand years ago, Jews in Ancient Israel learned that oil is the solution to everybody's problems, and it's still true to this day!... especially in that part of the world.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Daring Donut Dispatcher of Due Process

This has just been releasedd by (motto:FOX NEWS meets Ryan Seacrest):

"Donut clerk: 'I smacked robber by instinct'"

That's right. If you go to YouTube, you can see security camera footage of an Elmwood, NJ Dunkin' Donuts employee repeatedly whacking a potential thief over the head with a cermaic mug used for tips.
When the employee opened the register to complete a transaction, the perp (who is still on the loose, presumably pilfering Krispy Kremes) reached into the register. Then the employee dished out a mug of jelly-filled justice!

As Spicoli would say, "Awesome! Totally awesome! All right, Hamilton!"

If apprehended, the suspect will be held without bail and without sprinkles.

The employee's name (I am NOT making this up)... Dustin Hoffmann.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Today is the final day of Hanukkah.

Yes, Hanukkah... that magical holiday where we remember the night Jesus and his reindeer had just enough oil to go 88 MPH and return to the year 1985.

(as it is written in the four Gospels, including the controversial Book of Raphael... he was cool, but rude)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Un-BEAR-able Teacher Freed!

Thank goodness!

Last week, Gillian Gibbons, 54, the teacher in Sudan who was arrested for allowing her students to name a teddy bear "Mohammed", returned home to London after 15 days in a Sudanese prison.
She was pardoned by Sudan's president, Omar al-Bashir.

What a swell guy, that Omar!

15 days in prison??
All it took was 15 days to let her go!

15 days??? That's almost 2 Hanukkahs!
... as I'm sure Omar is aware.

This makes me think twice about naming my testicles Uday and Qusai.

... And I think we all know which is which.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Cable Nitwit Network

Just a summary of the headlines from In the words of Dave Barry, I am NOT making these up:

"30,000 hear Oprah stump for Obama"
"Do celebrities sway voters?"
"600-pound tiger gets root canal"
"Naked men shop for Skittles"

CNN... Your source for retarded news.

P.S. Should Oprah be "stumping" another man? Steadman vs. Barack-- cage match!

Subway Candy

Y'know those urban youths who walk through subway cars, selling big boxes of candy to "raise money for their basketball teams" or "just to keep [them] off the streets"...
They ALWAYS have "M&M: Peanut" left. Not "Peanut M&Ms", mind you, but "M&M: Peanut."

Why don't people like Peanut M&Ms?
They'll eat a "Chunky" or an "Almond Joy" or even "Good and Plenty" (licorice? Come ON!) , but not "M&M: Peanut??"

Also, what ever happened to Chicklets?

Friday, December 7, 2007

Who Needs Christmas? Light the Menorah!

It's great for the little ones!
Hanukkah has four things kids love more than anything else:


... and socks?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

"Thanks for noticing me"

Eeyore is the most depressed character in all of children's literature and cartoons.
We need to set him up with Kanga for a night (and we know it's a done deal because Lil' Roo is proof that she puts out). He would be happier than Tigger on crack (which is redundant).

P.S. Possible title for an Eeyore porno: "Hundred Acre Wood"

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Never Say Die

You know a relationship has issues when your only role playing game is Sloth and Chunk from "The Goonies"

"Hey, you guuuuys!"

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

King Kongstein

I have just been informed that the Empire State Building will have its outside lights tinted blue and white tonight in honor of the first night Hanukkah, which begins at nightfall.

I couldn't be more proud.

Now if only the Statue of Liberty could be holding a giant dreidel... or light a Hanukkiah the size of Madison Square Garden.

Maybe replace the heads on Mt. Rushmore with Woody Allen, Steven Spielberg, Albert Einstein and a giant matzoh ball.

Please, your suggestions?

Eucharist? Euchan't be serious!

So if wine is the blood of Christ,
then eggnog would be His...?

Woah. Too far.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Grand Theft Beverage: Vice City

Coffee and Alcohol--
They both taste wretched, which is why we try to cover up the taste.
If alcohol and coffee actually tasted good, we wouldn't spend so much money paying frustrated actors wearing green baseball caps and false smiles to add cinnamon, caramel and chocolate syrup to our java and paying frustrated musicians wearing tight shirts and body piercings to add soda, orange juice, cherries, and tiny umbrellas to our booze.

But both are viewed as medicinal, hence the soaring price tags not deterring the soaring sales.
$12 for a Strawberry Daiquiri?
"What a day! I NEED a drink."
$5.45 for a Grande, No Whip, Caramel Macchiato?
"Oh, I NEED my coffee. I'm dead without it."

And both beverages force you visit the bathroom not long afterwards. Open up your mind instead of your wallet... and an extra bodily orifice.
Just because you're bending over the toilet doesn't mean you have to take it up the ass.

"Bad-Ass Grandpa" Rap

Penned by yours truly and Zack:

I'm gonna school y'all- class is in session
My old ass lived through the Great Depression.

I'm not from the 'hood and I may not be black
I'm from Plainview, Long Island, and a nice cul-de-sac.

I dig Beyonce and her sexy curlz
And I love that Blanche from the Golden Girls.

I like P-Diddy, and also Matlock
My back is stiffer than my shriveled old--

Grandpa Grandpa! Whadday say?
I'm so old I might die today!

I'm a badass grandpa- and I'm on health care,
If you like Metamucil wave your cane in the air.

My hearing is bad and my testicles sag.
I traded my .45 for a colostomy bag.

I like my bitches down and dirty,
I like my dinner at about four-thirty.

I got mad skills
And I take mad pills
Don't make me trip
Cause I'll break my damn hip!

(Whataya mean I ain't hip?)

I like Jay-Z and half-sour pickles.
For your birthday I'll give you a handful of nickels.
(In my day a nickel was a lot of money )

I can still bust a rhyme, even though I'm old
I got false teeth, but they're all gold.

Prune juice (damn!)! That's some mighty fine stuff.
I complain cause me kids don't call me enough.

It's a wheelchair (What?) – not a joint I'm rollin'
I got diverticulitis in my over-sized colon.

I wear an I.D. bracelet and not a gold watch
You can suck my dick while I suck a butterscotch

Pop a cap in my ass, if you think you're a sniper,
That bullet's gotta get past my a-dult diaper.

What- speak up! Don't raise your voice to me
I get jiggy then I have a warm cup of tea.
To the players in this piece , y'all better beware
I just put rims on my pimp wheel chair.
I'm a bad ass grandpa, I'm nobody's fool
Stand back and watch as I kick it old school!