Sunday, December 9, 2007

Cable Nitwit Network

Just a summary of the headlines from In the words of Dave Barry, I am NOT making these up:

"30,000 hear Oprah stump for Obama"
"Do celebrities sway voters?"
"600-pound tiger gets root canal"
"Naked men shop for Skittles"

CNN... Your source for retarded news.

P.S. Should Oprah be "stumping" another man? Steadman vs. Barack-- cage match!


Anonymous said...

Uncool dude. Those cookies have raised a lot of money for LiveStrong. Uncool.

Aaron Friedman said...

Ok, Sorry. I removed "Cookies to help kids with cancer"... But you gotta admit, that is one crazy headline. Maybe "Gushers fruit snacks reduce U.T.I.s?"