Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Un-BEAR-able Teacher Freed!

Thank goodness!

Last week, Gillian Gibbons, 54, the teacher in Sudan who was arrested for allowing her students to name a teddy bear "Mohammed", returned home to London after 15 days in a Sudanese prison.
She was pardoned by Sudan's president, Omar al-Bashir.

What a swell guy, that Omar!

15 days in prison??
All it took was 15 days to let her go!

15 days??? That's almost 2 Hanukkahs!
... as I'm sure Omar is aware.

This makes me think twice about naming my testicles Uday and Qusai.

... And I think we all know which is which.


Anonymous said...

Uncool to joke about this, man. She couldn't leave. She had been bear-alyzed. Uncool.

Houdaddy said...

Let's not forget that it was her Muslim STUDENTS who came up with the name for the bear. The Sudanese people wanted her executed. Darfur? Should we be surprised? Let's hope the world learns something from this.