Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree..."

"It's the toilet for the dog to pee"
(What do YOU think the next verse is?)

What is the history of the Christmas tree tradition? (or "Jesus' yuletide shire of love")
Let us go to the most trusted news source I can reach from my chair that isn't

Certain trees held great symbolic significance for Germanic tribes. It seems Pagan kings in Germany would sacrifice trees at the sacred groves every ninth year (Duh!).
The mighty Saint Boniface (That saint is so funny!) attempted to Christianize the tribes by inocrporating cone-shaped evergreen trees which, because of their triangular shape, could symbolize the Trinity of The Father, The Son and Curly. I suppose he could've incorportated spanakopita or sea captain hats made out of newspaper, since they are triangluar too.

No word as to whether these Germanic tribes created any Hanukkah bushes... I'm guessing nein.
Actually, many Christmas customs come from Germanic paganism: Stocking-stuffing, Christmas hams, Yule Logs, elements of Santa Claus and Yule Goats (which apparently can be found on the same aisle as Yule Logs at your local grocer).

To learn more about Christmas, accept Jesus into your heart and become a German pagan!


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